• Italian,  Lighter,  Main

    Roast Pumpkin, Spinach & Tomato Lasagne

    This Roast Pumpkin, Spinach & Tomato Lasagne was on regular rotation in our household for the beginning of 2020. Now that pasta sheets are readily available in supermarkets again, it’s the perfect healthy comfort food to welcome in the chill of winter. It’s also a delicious way to sneak a whole lot of veg into a well loved family meal. Bonus points if you prepare this Sunday evening, ready to pop in the oven on a weeknight – providing a quick and hearty dinner with leftovers for lunch the next day. During the great Covid-19 pasta shortage, I made a variation with thin slices of roast pumpkin. These roast pumpkin…

  • High Protein,  Lighter,  Main,  Salad,  Salads & Sides,  Various

    Zesty Orange Beef Summer Salad

    The beef for this salad is quickly marinaded in an ever so slightly asian inspired sauce, with the salty briney sea flavours of oyster and fish sauce bringing out the strong umami beef flavour. Thinly sliced warm or cold beef then melds with a refreshingly tangy, sweet and ever so slightly sour dressing. It’s perfect for hot days when you don’t feel like making a big meal, but still want a hearty serve of veggies and protein. For more Salad recipes, please check out our Salad & Side dish Category. Key Ingredients