• Greek,  High Protein,  Lighter,  Main,  Salad,  Salads & Sides,  Weeknight

    Grilled Lamb with Warm Lentil Salad

    This quick Lentil Salad is a lunchtime favourite incorporating grilled lamb, creamy tzatziki and a warm mix of Sautéed Spinach, Onion & Lentils. Blistered grilled cherry tomatos are used as a tasty garnish to add extra colour and rich umami sweetness, along with the balsamic vinegar and lemon acidity. This lentil salad can make a light lunch or dinner, and reheats well from cold or frozen – as long as you hold off on adding the tzatziki until everything else has been warmed up. Both versions using pre-marinated lamb or the marinade listed in the recipe below are equally delicious, the choice depends mostly on time and resources. If you’re…

  • Italian,  Lighter,  Main

    Roast Pumpkin, Spinach & Tomato Lasagne

    This Roast Pumpkin, Spinach & Tomato Lasagne was on regular rotation in our household for the beginning of 2020. Now that pasta sheets are readily available in supermarkets again, it’s the perfect healthy comfort food to welcome in the chill of winter. It’s also a delicious way to sneak a whole lot of veg into a well loved family meal. Bonus points if you prepare this Sunday evening, ready to pop in the oven on a weeknight – providing a quick and hearty dinner with leftovers for lunch the next day. During the great Covid-19 pasta shortage, I made a variation with thin slices of roast pumpkin. These roast pumpkin…